Discovering Multifamily

Pros/Cons Of A General & Limited Partnership In Multifamily With Greg Butcher

On this 228th episode of Discovering Multifamily, Greg Butcher joins us as the Managing Partner of Blu Sky Equity Partners. 

Greg is an experienced real estate investor who lives near Temecula, CA. He began investing in single family homes during his career as a Marine Corps officer, but struggled to learn how to scale them. 

His “aha!” moment was learning about the power of syndications and the scalability of multifamily real estate. He joined a leading national multifamily education and mentoring program while preparing to retire from active duty in 2015, and has since invested in over $160M worth of real estate (over 1,100 units) as a general partner and more as a limited partner.

 He is a co-organizer of the National Apartment Investor Community (NAiC) Meetup group in the San Diego area and a coach with Vertical Street Ventures Academy so he can share his passion and help others get their start in multifamily also.


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